Pandora's Box
You have to ask yourself, "How much do I want to know about Brandon Michael Collinsworth?"
I don't know if this problem is unique to me or if I share it with many of you, but their is probably no one person that knows everything there is to know about me. I keep some thoughts and opinions not necessarily to myself, but away from certain people. And for those of you that plod ahead, please do not take this withholding of information personal, it is not. Maybe you were never let in on this opinion or aspect of my character because I wasn't in the mood to discuss it. Or maybe it was just simply because I knew, or thought I knew, that we would be in disagreement, and would probably never see eye to eye, and if there would be no way to make peace and compromise why bring it up. Also, maybe it was cowardice, some times even I am at a loss for words, and the hardest thing sometimes is beginning and could never get the first words out of my mouth.
But this blog will be my chance to get these things off of my chest and share them with you. It is bad and counter productive to keep things bottled up, and maybe I have been doing too much of that lately. But remember you have been warned. If you don't want to know what goes on behind these hazel eyes don't come back here. If you are worried that finding out more about me may hurt your opinion of me, maybe you should look away. Now, please don't mistake my intentions, I don't want it to sound as if I don't want anyone to read. Because I want everyone to read, otherwise why would I post it online. But I don't want to be attacked for what I think or believe, and I don't want to lose any friends over differences of opinions.
That being said I hope that each and everyone of you will be back to read my next post. I plan on keying off on something that I have kept bottled up to all but a few. So join me for the journey and open the box if you dare.