To Be or Not To Be
Last week the Supreme Court blocked the attempts by the Bush administration to prosecute doctors in Oregon that prescribe lethal doses of prescription medication to terminally ill patients. This has brought the assisted suicide or apparently suicide of any kind back around for debate and I thought I would weigh in on the issue.
First, the Bush administration has got to stop sending me mixed signals. During his tenure President Bush did not resign the assault weapon bill keeping dangerous human killing weapons off the street. In fact, Bush has been opposed to all forms of gun legislation, but the assualt weapon ban was the strangest. The only purpose of an assualt weapon is to kill people. No one hunts deer with an AK-47. So I thought Bush was in favor of the death of American citizens. But it appears that with his attempts to block suicide, that he is only in favor of killing healthy citizens, the others just aren't sport enough.
The fact that we are even having this debate, to me, is insane. The right to die is the most basic right a human being has. How dare anyone tell me I have to go on living after I decided I don't want to. I understand the religous concerns that many people might have with this, but that plays no role here. If you have a religous belief that suicide is wrong than the simple solution is don't kill yourself. If you still feel inclined to do something more, you can let the anguishing in pain, terminally ill patient know that God still loves him and doesn't want him to end his life. But you as a theist have no right to stop this poor soul from taking his own life. Even if you believe this will ultimately earn him or her a one way ticket to hell, that is their cross to bear and not yours.
Secondly, why are the doctors being targeted here, is it just becuase it seems cruel to target the suicidal individuals. The doctors are not murdering them, they are merely letting the paitent know the most effective and painless method of terminating their lives. They are providing the means, but if that is justification for lawsuit then why did Bush block legislation a couple of years ago stating that shooting victims could not sue the gunshop or gun manufacture. Doctors have as much blame in their patients suicide as a gun shop. The main thing here being they are not putting the pills in their mouth and then holding the patients mouth and nose shut until they swallow.
Like I said, this shouldn't even be an issue, it is just people sticking their noses where they don't belong. It is just more of trying to force others to be and believe like you. If that day ever comes and I am dying of some rare and painful form of cancer I want you to know that old Brandon, doesn't like pain. So you can either give me a handful of pills or I will go buy a gun, doesn't matter much to me, but if there is no hope of recovery and I am miserable in pain, I think it would be time to bid the world adieu. Here's to hoping that day never comes though, and if it does that liberals have won this war, because personally I think taking pills would be easier than pulling the trigger.
Last week the Supreme Court blocked the attempts by the Bush administration to prosecute doctors in Oregon that prescribe lethal doses of prescription medication to terminally ill patients. This has brought the assisted suicide or apparently suicide of any kind back around for debate and I thought I would weigh in on the issue.
First, the Bush administration has got to stop sending me mixed signals. During his tenure President Bush did not resign the assault weapon bill keeping dangerous human killing weapons off the street. In fact, Bush has been opposed to all forms of gun legislation, but the assualt weapon ban was the strangest. The only purpose of an assualt weapon is to kill people. No one hunts deer with an AK-47. So I thought Bush was in favor of the death of American citizens. But it appears that with his attempts to block suicide, that he is only in favor of killing healthy citizens, the others just aren't sport enough.
The fact that we are even having this debate, to me, is insane. The right to die is the most basic right a human being has. How dare anyone tell me I have to go on living after I decided I don't want to. I understand the religous concerns that many people might have with this, but that plays no role here. If you have a religous belief that suicide is wrong than the simple solution is don't kill yourself. If you still feel inclined to do something more, you can let the anguishing in pain, terminally ill patient know that God still loves him and doesn't want him to end his life. But you as a theist have no right to stop this poor soul from taking his own life. Even if you believe this will ultimately earn him or her a one way ticket to hell, that is their cross to bear and not yours.
Secondly, why are the doctors being targeted here, is it just becuase it seems cruel to target the suicidal individuals. The doctors are not murdering them, they are merely letting the paitent know the most effective and painless method of terminating their lives. They are providing the means, but if that is justification for lawsuit then why did Bush block legislation a couple of years ago stating that shooting victims could not sue the gunshop or gun manufacture. Doctors have as much blame in their patients suicide as a gun shop. The main thing here being they are not putting the pills in their mouth and then holding the patients mouth and nose shut until they swallow.
Like I said, this shouldn't even be an issue, it is just people sticking their noses where they don't belong. It is just more of trying to force others to be and believe like you. If that day ever comes and I am dying of some rare and painful form of cancer I want you to know that old Brandon, doesn't like pain. So you can either give me a handful of pills or I will go buy a gun, doesn't matter much to me, but if there is no hope of recovery and I am miserable in pain, I think it would be time to bid the world adieu. Here's to hoping that day never comes though, and if it does that liberals have won this war, because personally I think taking pills would be easier than pulling the trigger.