Drugs: Our Misunderstood FriendI am going to propose a radical idea and I know that it probably won't fly with many people, but I will ask you to bare with me and give the idea some serious thought. Let's just jump right to the idea and I can spend the rest of my time explaining my reasoning. The idea is this, all illegal narcotics should become legal. Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine, LSD, every illegal mind and sometimes physique altering substance should be legal.
I feel that maybe I have already lost some of you, but for those that haven't completely closed their minds let me explain. Let's start with why these drugs are not legal.
They are harmful.
So are cigarettes, beer(in excess), hamburgers, and indirectly television. But yet these are all perfectly legal. Also, in some cases, Marijuana for instance, there is not one documented case of someone having died, directly, from smoking too much marijuana. In fact as levels of health, marijuana is probably less harmful than a pizza, chili dog, or taco. So obviously our obligation as a culture is not to protect citizens from themselves otherwise cigarettes, fast food, and other legal harmful substances would be made illegal and marijuana would be made legal for being virtually harmless, not totally, but in comparison to the above it is virtually harmless.
They are addictive.
Okay, why don't we just get this all out of the way. I can address this question almost exactly as I answered the one above. Yes most of them are addictive, but not all. Cigarettes, alcohol, fast food, and television are addictive too, but yet they are legal.
Who wants people in our society "high" while they drive, work, or take care of our children.
completely correct, of course I don't want anyone drunk while they drive, work, or take care of my children. That is why that is illegal, "driving under the influence", a law that actually governs not only alcohol, but also medications, prescription and over the counter. You could be arrested for driving under the influence if you have taken benadryl.
We would be empowering the criminals.
No one can actually say with 100% percent certainity but in all likelihood the opposite would happen. By legalizing these products that grow easily, are cultivated easily, and would employ more people than the porn industry the market value of these items would probably decrease. So, for starters there would be no value in selling something that could be purchased for a lower price at your 7-11. That is if they were sold there, maybe there would be specific business to sell these special items or maybe we would sell them at pharmacies.
They are just morally wrong.
That may be, but as I keep reminding people, we are not to legislate morality. If you have a moral objection to these drugs, you would have the freedom to not buy and use them. You would have the right to no longer shop at any store that decided to sell them. You would even have the freedom to protest said store. Those are your rights to offenses to your morality. You do not have the right to tell another person how they can live their life, you can tell them how they should if you feel you must, but you should not be able to force that on them.
They would take this country in the wrong direction.
I don't have any actual figures in front of me, but let's for a moment think about this. There are a large number of criminals in jail for drug possession or distrubution. It costs money to house these people, but if their crimes were no longer crimes we possibly wouldn't be housing these people. Now some, maybe even most of them, are bad people and would find ways to break the law and go to jail. I am by no means saying that a society without drugs would have no criminals, but I believe it would have less. Oh yes there would still be drug crimes, driving under the influence, drug induced crimes such as battery, theft, and rape (all of which can be found as by products of legalized alcohol and over the counter narcotics). But there would be fewer drug crimes, that are victimless crimes. If Beauragard wants to smoke a little weed at his house at night, or snort a line of coke, he is the only victim here, not me, not you, not even your kids. The money that would be saved by this reduction in prisoners and their costs could possibly raise our education standards back up to where they once were.
Also, along the same topic. There is a large amount of money that flows out of this country into the foreign countries where our drugs come from, we could keep that money and crush the druglords and the corrupt governments that overlook them. I am not saying it would actually help foreign countries, in fact it would devastate their economies for some time, but then maybe they could find their way to more constructive means of survival. On this same thought line, think of the jobs that would be created by this, farmers, gathers, and chemists. People that didn't have a moral objection to this would thrive. If America did this other countries would likely follow suit, but we would have been the first and would have a leg up. We would start exporting to these countries and every man, woman, and child in this country would flourish from the increased income.
How can all this be considered the wrong direction for our country? You still have the right to not like it, but you could reap the benefits from it. Like taxes on liquor, cigarettes, and porn, that pay for education and medical care.
Let me set the record straight on one thing though, I am not advocating drug use. If all these drugs were made legal tomorrow I would touch one of them, I have no desire or interest in having my head screwed up. In fact I think, other than creativity, these drugs are bad. But I do not pronounce myself morally superior and think that my moral judgments should be the law of the land. I have always felt that these drugs were not legal because they were uncontrollable. A person of a mind can grow and smoke marijuana they raised for themselves. That means the only way our government can make money from them is to make them illegal and fine people for using them. I don't think that would happen, for starters Americans are lazy and most people won't have house plants because they forget to water them and they die, people will pay to not do the work themselves and they are already used to paying high prices for them, so the government could tax the hell out of drugs and people would still be happy. They could also force business that want to sell them to pay a high fee for the right to sell them.
The public moral objection is valid, I don't mean to make light of that, but when you look at the facts it is hypocritical. Where do we draw the line, we outlaw drugs because of a moral objection, why not porn, why not rock-n-roll, why not alcohol. We either have to let people be free to make their own moral judgments or not. I understand that people would fear their children doing these drugs, I would myself, but children do not make up the entire population of this country, and adults should have rights to enjoy what they want too. If you are going to take away adult entertainment I demand that we shut down Disney, I have a moral objection to that crap they put out, over-charge for, and call entertainment. But even if drugs were legal they would be guarded just like alcohol, porn, and cigarettes. Would that stop kids, no not all the time, they would still get their hands on the drugs and try them, but I got bad news for you, they will anyway, I could and did in some cases. It is the job of parents to educate their kids, give them all the information so they can make an informed decision, let them know why you are against it, your moral objection, but in the end they will have to make their own decision, their own choice. Everyone though should have the right to make a choice about something that only concerns them.
I am sure many of you are unconvinced, of course I am sure that many could not be convinced no matter what argument they were presented. I totally understand that, really I do. Drugs are bad, I am not going to deny that. But like I have tried to state so are many other perfectly legal substances. People don't want to make bad things legal. I am sure that if cigarettes, alcohol, and pornography were not already legal, they wouldn't have a hope in hell of becoming legal. I think that is evident in the many new laws that are passed limiting them. Some towns in the United States have become completely smoke free where the only places you are allowed to smoke is in your own home. I have a lot to say about that kind of stuff too and maybe we will examine it later, but all I am trying to say is that we are a compassionate people. We want nothing more than to protect people, even from themselves. I think that is admirable, but I also think that goes against everything that makes America great. People should be free to choose. If they want to destroy their bodies with cigarettes, alcohol, pork ribs, or heroin, that should be their choice. Sure there would be some people would not behave responsibly, just like now. But most people would do this themselves and leave everyone else alone and behave like adults. That makes it no business of ours. What one does behind closed doors is no business of ours and if they leave it there then there is no reason it should ever be.